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Larry Sandell and P. Andrew Riley give a Presentation on Intellectual Property
grIP Team Member and IP lawyer Larry Sandell and his Mei & Mark colleague P. Andrew Riley gave a presentation at the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum Cornerstones Series titled “Strategic & Technical Intellectual Property Issues” on December 16, 2020.Larry and Andrew discussed intellectual property strategy, procurement, and enforcement. The presentation covered both strategic and technical issues geared towards emerging companies, VCs and other prospective investors.
Cameron Hamilton Gives Presentation on Government Contracts for VC & Startups
grIP Senior Advisor on Government Contracting Strategy Cameron Hamilton, gave a presentation for the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum Cornerstones Series titled “Insights on Government Contracts for VC & Startups” on December 7, 2020. Cameron was joined by fellow presenter, Greg Jacobs, Chair of the Government Contracts Practice at Polsinelli.
Hyper-personalization and the Future of AI in Financial Services
What new possibilities arise for millions of people when AI, 5G, Cloud Computing, Distributed Ledger and Quantum Computing come together? This is the question the World Economic Forum asked of the financial services industry recently. In their report, Forging New Pathways: The next evolution of innovation in financial services new themes have emerged from the global thought-leadership forum.
Digital Assets and Blockchain: The Impact on Capital Markets, Entrepreneurship, Fundraising, and the Democratization of Investing
As we close out 2020, digital assets and the blockchain industry are experiencing another revival. The tokenization of assets and blockchain technology in general are having significant effects on capital markets, entrepreneurship, and fundraising by improving liquidity and democratizing investment opportunities.
Peter Dolch Angel Investing Presentation
grIP Senior Advisor Peter Dolch gave a presentation for the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum Cornerstones Series titled “Angels Investors & Entrepreneurs: Key Issues for Each Side of the Table” on November 9, 2020. Peter was joined by fellow presenter Jeremy Bauman, Managing Partner of New Dominion Angels and member of the Early Stage Finance Team at the World Bank.
Michael Lewittes Interview Covering SEO Strategy
In September, grIP’s Media and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert Michael Lewittes sat down with journalist Barry Schwartz to talk about Michael’s SEO strategies in addition to Michael’s career in journalism and venture capital. Specifically, Michael discusses what Google calls E.A.T. (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness), and why it should permeate every aspect of one’s website.
New York Ban On “Pink Tax” Comes Into Effect
New York State has banned the ‘pink tax,’ charging different prices for “substantially similar” goods and services consumer goods or services based on gender, as of September 30, 2020. An example of a pink tax is when a dry cleaner charges a higher price to dry clean a woman’s dress suit than a man’s dress suit.
Certain Emerging Companies May Benefit From SBIR And STTR Funding
The Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) are competitive awards-based government programs designed to assist qualifying small businesses conduct research and development (R&D) and to provide incentives to profit from commercialization. Funding takes the form of contracts or grants.
grIP Update: New Senior Advisors
In August 2020, we announced the launch of grIP, Mei & Mark LLP’s venture capital and emerging company platform. grIP’s team of advisors for business growth include seasoned Mei & Mark lawyers and leading experts in intellectual property, finance, fundraising, marketing, data analytics, financial modeling, media, SEO, supply chain, government funding and contracts, technology and biotech.
Make Strategic Pricing Decisions That Work
In times of change it can be easy to make decisions without thinking about the long-term impact it can have on your business and what you originally were set out to do. That's why it's important to know your market and not stray from the goals you're trying to achieve, regardless of how tempting it is to react. Strategic and proactive pricing are tools that can be used to adjust your course and Peloton is an example of how that can be done.